Here's where you come to follow the progress of your piece of furniture in the shop. No, wood doesn't talk--or does it? Sure it does! As we work on your piece we learn things about where it's been, how it's been used, maybe even who (or what) has used it, and often about where it came from originally. It's a lot of fun and typically quite interesting.

This space also gives us a chance to let you know about any special experiences or progress related challenges. We try to chronicle work completed on your furniture whenever anything significant occurs. So there may not be an entry every day, but when we document them, we hope you will find these journal entries are fun, informative, purposeful, and creative.

So, have fun "listening" to our dialogue with your piece, as it is, it's Wood Talkin.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Deep Breaths n Finger Tapping

Bored to pieces
Here's a quick update on the Vitrine...stained and curing. She stands quietly, albeit impatiently, in a corner of the shop--bored. She's sorta like a gal at the stylist under the hair dryer waiting, waiting, waiting. That will be her situation for at least the next 24 hours. It reminds me of the little ditty, "Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can; seldom found in women...but never found in man." Ha.

That's Wood Talkin for today. Listening?

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